Do you agree to democracy?


And do you approve of its combining with capitalism?


Approving of the combining of the two amounts to agreeing to the limitless rule of the capital. To waiting on its representatives as your sovereign.


The only way a being can increase its value is through love. Or dedication. Love is the ability of a being to stand for two beings, or more. A being that dedicates itself to two beings or more, is more valuable by twice, or more.


(by Shenzi)


'For Foreign Eyes' 카테고리의 다른 글

wildflower  (0) 2017.03.29
困而不知者 / What to despair of  (2) 2017.03.16
The conscience of a blood-seller.  (2) 2017.03.02
번역 생각  (2) 2017.02.28
Preventive wars of 漢 武帝.  (0) 2017.01.17
Posted by 문천


탄핵심판 최종변론에서 국회 측 이용구 변호사의 논고가 아주 잘 정리되어 있다. 그 중에서 아래 대목은 세월호 사태만이 아니라 다른 여러 상황에도 똑같이 지적될 점으로 보인다.


⑤ 피청구인의 행적과 주장 내용을 놓고 제가 내린 결론은, 피청구인은 세월호 사고 당시 생명의 위험에 빠진 국민을 구조하는 일은 해경이나 관련 담당자들이 할 일이지 대통령의 직무가 아니라고 인식하였고, 현재도 마찬가지라는 것입니다. 즉, 재난으로 인하여 죽어가는 국민을 구하는 것이 대통령의 직무라는 인식이 없었다고 볼 수밖에 없습니다.

- 이러한 인식 하에서 피청구인은 사고현장상황을 파악하려는 노력을 일체 하지 않았고, 세월호 사고에 적극 대응해야 할 해경 등이 구조활동을 제대로 하는지조차 파악하지 않았으며, 잘못된 구조활동을 그대로 방치하였습니다. 국가의 총역량을 승객의 구조활동에 집중하여야 할 시기에 국가의 총역량을 결집하지 않았습니다.


Posted by 문천




I used to have a friend who would drink a lot of water before having his blood taken,

expecting the water to thin the blood and add to its quantity. After a bad day in which he failed to earn enough money to buy food for his younger siblings, he would stay

the night at a laborers' shelter and go to the University Hospital at daybreak to sell his blood.


I have no way to forget the image of a youth in the thin light of dawn trying to take in as much water as he can at a hospital watertap. Neither can I forget the expression on his face as he declared that the cheating, of thinning the blood, did not offend his conscience. A resolute expression, condemning himself as an immoral person. Yet it betrayed the fact that actually  his conscience suffered a lot. Pitiable too was his ignorant belief that the water would go directly into the blood vessels to mix with the blood.


He was just a brother who wanted a little more blood to sell to feed his siblings, and a laborer who wanted a little more blood spared for the next day's work.


I believe his conscience did not have to be offended, even if the water did succeed to

enter the blood vessels and lowered the quality of the blood. I believe so because I know what purpose the unfair advantage was intended for.


(by Shenzi)


'For Foreign Eyes' 카테고리의 다른 글

困而不知者 / What to despair of  (2) 2017.03.16
loveless democracy  (2) 2017.03.10
번역 생각  (2) 2017.02.28
Preventive wars of 漢 武帝.  (0) 2017.01.17
For Foreign Eyes  (0) 2017.01.17
Posted by 문천